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FA-Liquid is a highly water soluble, anionic surfactant. This product is an effective surface active agent and exhibits excellent detergency over a wide range of applications. FA-Liquid also functions as a foaming agent in air drilling operations.


FA-Liquid is recommended for use in the production and air drilling applications to:
1. Reduce the residual oil saturation of the formation around the well bore prior to water injection to increase injection rates
2. Increase hydrocarbon recovery in water flooding
3. Stimulate wells by dispersing mud blocks
4. Water wet scale such as iron sulfide, iron oxide, etc., downhole and in gun barrels, tank bottoms and other production vessels
5. Recover trace amounts of oil from water
6. Back wash wells and filters
7. Clean out gas wells and gas storage wells-increase gas delivery capacity
8. Clean out service lines and production equipment
9. Emulsify oil slicks
10. Break water blocks
11. Unload water-logged oil and gas wells
12. Flush ahead of cement blocks to produce a better bond
13. Function as a foaming agent in air drilling

Chemical Description: FA-Liquid is a highly water soluble, anionic, biodegradable alcohol ethoxy sulfate.
FA-Liquid is anionic and may be incompatible in systems containing other treating chemicals. When doubt exists as to the compatibility of FA-Liquid with other chemicals in the system, bottle tests at the proposed treating concentrations should be run.
Recommended Uses:

FA-Liquid is recommended for use as a surfactant or at higher concentrations as

1. a foaming agent in:
2. Producing wells
3. Water injection wells to reduce pressure and increase volume of produced water pumped to water injection wells
4. Gas storage wells
5. Cooling towers
6. Surface lines, vessels and other production equipment
7. Air drilling applications

Treating Methods:
Production Problem: FA-Liquid may be used continuously, or as a slug treatment. Continuous treatments are generally applied at concentrations below 100 ppm. Slug treatments vary widely, but generally a concentration of .5-1% by volume is usually sufficient.

Air Drilling Application: A FA-Liquid water solution is normally used as a continuous treatment in air drilling operations. Treating rates and methods will vary widely, depending on drilling rate, hole size, water analysis, etc. Generally, a solution of ¼ to 4 pints of FA-Liquid in 50 gallons of water is injected directly into the air stream at the rate required to remove cuttings and produced water.

Injection Well Cleanout/Stimulation: Squeeze ½ to 1 drum of FA-Liquid into the formation. Spot ½ to 1 drum of FA-Liquid at the perforation. The well should then be shut-in for 12 to 24 hours. Before returning the well to service, backwash or backflow to remove any plugging agents in the area of the well bore. FA-Liquid can be diluted using produced water, methanol, and I.P.A.



Specific Gravity at 68°F

Density, 1b/gal

Flash Point, F (TCC)

Pour Point, F

pH, 1% Solution








FA-Liquid is packaged in 5 gallon pails and 55 gallon drums.


Do not store above 120ºF. Store large amounts in structures made for OSHA Class 11 liquids. Avoid free fall of liquid. Ground containers when transferring. Keep closure tight and upright when not in use to prevent leakage and contamination. DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY.




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